1.3 Principles. The following principles
have been followed to implement the above
basic concepts:
1.1 Scope. This document establishes
weight statements and forms for procure-
(a) The total missile weight is sub-
ment of weight and balance data for guided
divided into functional and identifiable
missiles, PARTS I, II and III hereof, states
divisions that best serve the basic con-
the principles followed in the formulation of
cepts for both large and small missiles.
these statements and forms, furnishes in-
The missile is subdivided into identifiable
structions where necessary for uniform com-
steps and/or sections as shown in Figure
pilation of the required weight and descrip-
1 as an example. This breakdown is ac-
tive data, and provides a glossary of terms
complished by the use of vertical columns
for which definitions may not be self evident
in the reporting forms which must be
on the weight statements and forms. The
properly identified at the top of each
forms may be used for large and small mis-
column. This makes it possible to handle
siles as well as booster vehicles employed for
multistage vehicles and also to give sec-
launching satellite or reentry payloads.
tionalized breakdowns of smaller missiles.
It is permissible to use the vertical
1.2 Concepts. The detail and summary
columns for sectional breakdowns within
weight statements have been predicated on
a step of a multistage vehicle by using
the following basic concepts:
more than one column for a single step.
However, once a particular arrangement
(a) The primary purposes of the weight
of columns has been established dividing
data are to provide information in the
the vehicle into steps and/or sections, the
most advantageous form for development
same arrangement must be used through-
and improvement of guided missiles
out the form for that particular missils
weight estimating and optimization meth-
ods and for mass characteristics control
during design, construction and operation-
(b) Within the step and/or section
al use of these vehicles. Such data and
breakdown, the weight has been broken
methods serve the significant functions of
down into functional and identifiable ma-
bringing avoidable adverse trends to light
jor and minor components. Insofar as
at an early state, pointing out areas
practicable, all tangible and readily iden-
in which design weight control can be
tifiable components and provisions for a
most fruitful, establishing realistic weight
specific function or installation have been
goals, evaluating on a rational basis the
allocated to the functional group, regard-
weight costs of design features during
less of geographic location and physical
evaluation of new configurations, deter-
method of attachment. Where compromise
mining the deviations (from planned
of this principle was necessary because of
weight or mass characteristics) which
multi-purpose function, items have been
occur under actual test or operating con-
allocated geographically with as complete
ditions, and providing timely controlled
functional isolation and identification as
weight input to flight trajectory planning
possible. Examples of multipurpose items
for changes during design and operation.
are doors and panels which serve as clo-
(b) The secondary purpose of the
sures for a structural surface as well as a
weight data is to provide reasonably de-
particular installation function, and items
tailed information for engineering check-
which, because of their integral nature,
ing and reference purposes.
make quantitative allocation impractical.
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